DepEd Issues Memo on the Use of Official E-Class Record

Department of Education (DepEd) issued on Monday, June 15, 2015, a memorandum which mandates the public school teachers to use the Official DepEd Electronic Class Record starting SY 2015-2016.

DepEd Memo No. 60, s. 2015

DepEd Memorandum No. 60, s. 2015 entitled "Provision of the DepEd Electronic Class Record Template", is in congruent with DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 or the "Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program".

Acknowledged in DM No. 60, s. 2015 are the efforts extended by tech savvy teachers and other DepEd personnel in the development of the Official E-Class Record.

"To ensure sustainability and to minimize technical difficulty, the design was simplified using basic features in a spreadsheet file", the memo stressed.

It is mandated in the memorandum that the Division Information Technology Officer or designated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Coordinator will conduct an orientation for public school teachers at the same time extend technical assistance in the promotion of the use of E-Class Record.

Hopefully, the official electronic class record will be linked to the different school forms and will be incorporated in the Learner Information System (LIS).

If you don't have the copy of the electronic class record, just follow the download link below:

To download a copy of DepEd Memo No. 60. s. 2015, click this link!

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