This is an editorial about Fake News. Please read and share!
As stark as it is clear, the proliferation of fake news has been dividing the country and everyone has a role in combatting this cancer slowly eating the society.
In a recent senate hearing concerning fake news attended by PCOO Assec Margaux Uson and DFA head of strategic communications Rey Joseph Nieto among others, senators hit Thinking Pinoy and Mocha Uson Blog for posting fake news and 'not getting their side'. Uson reasons out that she is not required to because she isn't a journalist, only a blogger.
Now people put the blame to media. Mainstream media is being degraded by the escalation of these bloggers. Yes there is a distinction between a blogger and a journalist. Social media warriors such as these bloggers are not journalists. And yes they are 'entitled to their own opinion', freedom of speech so to speak but as someone whose platform has a wide extent, they must know that every right comes with a responsibility. However, inasmuch as we chalk up the guilt to anyone, the problem won't bail out. The the issue here does not lie on whether who has been spreading it and why because even in the yesteryears, fake news has been prevalent. What needs greater attention is how to combat its proliferation and existence.
It is a given fact that one becomes defensive and might even sing a different tune once aggravation hits home or close to it. In the cases of Mocha Uson Blog and Thinking Pinoy, both are known to be pro-administration bloggers and the president's most vocal supporters. Most often than not, they are ready to defend their preference ang glorify the administration while undermining the opposition. They would provide arguments that would weight up in their favor; talk about the battle between brains and brainless, between ideologies.
As citizens of this country, there is a need for everyone to become more responsible. There has been too much talking, too much reactions than research and more oppositions than actions. To fight this battle means public vigilance and the constant use and practice of conscience and critical thinking. Verifying information is another must. In addition, with accordance to better journalism, making a legislation against fake news is a prerequisite.
In the end, it does not really matter whether we are pro-administration or not. The partiality must not be against or pro a person. There is a great need for everyone to arrive at well-rounded decisions. Bear in mind that we should always be pro the common good, pro-country --- always pro-Filipino.