12 Days of Princess includes Sarah G, Kim Chiu

12 Days of Princess finally revealed the set of artists that will be transformed into iconic Disney Princesses, the list includes two Pinay artists - Sarah Geronimo and Kim Chiu.
Disney's 12 Days of Princess

12 Days of Princess is a new campaign conceptualized by Disney Channel (Asia) in collaboration with twelve different Southeast Asian artists.

In addition to latest campaign which featured 12 Asian talents, Disney Channel (Asia) also hosted a contest for viewers for them to have a chance to win a special edition calendar featuring the 12 Days of Princess artists.

12 Stars as the iconic Disney Princesses (#12DaysOfPrincess)

1. Oranicha Krinchai (Proud) of Thailand as Ariel in The Little Mermaid.
12 Days of Princess - The Little Mermaid
Proud as Ariel of The Little Mermaid
Proud as Ariel
2. Maripha (Wawa) Sirapool of Thailand as Belle in Beauty and the Beast.
Beauty and the Beast - Belle
Maripha Sirapool as Belle of Beauty and the Beast
Maripha Sirapool as Belle
3. Sandra Dewi as Cinderella
12 Days of Princess Cinderella
Sandra Dewi as Cinderella

4. Marsha Milan Londoh as Elsa in Frozen.
12 Days of Princess Elsa - Frozen
Marsha Milan Londoh as Elsa

5. Best Nitcharee as as Jasmine in Aladdin.
12 Days of Princess - Jasmine in Disney's Alladin

6. Wichayanee Pearklin(Gam) as Maleficent
12 Days of Princess Maleficent
Wichayanee Pearklin(Gam) as Maleficent
Gam as Maleficent
7. Natpassara Adulyamethasiri (Golf Natpassara) as Merida
12 Days of Princess - Merida - Disney's Brave
Golf Natpassara as Merida
8. Kimberly Sue Yap Chiu (Kim Chiu) as Mulan
12 Days of Princess Mulan
Kim Chiu as Mulan
Kim Chiu as Mulan
9. Thai International Model Tori Holbrook as Pocahontas
12 Days of Princess - Pocahontas
Tori holbrook as Pocahontas
Tori holbrook as Pocahontas
10. Sarah Geronimo as Rapunzel
Sarah Geronimo as Rapunzel in Disney's Tangled
Sarah Geronimo as Rapunzel 12 days of princess
Sarah Geronimo as Rapunzel
11. Malaysian musician Daiyan Trisha as Snow White
Daiyan Trisha as Snow White
Daiyan Trisha as Snow White
12. Chalida Vijitvongthong as Tiana
Chalida Vijitvongthong as Tiana in The Princess and the frog
Chalida Vijitvongthong as Princess Tiana
Chalida Vijitvongthong as Princess Tiana

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