Word War: Gretchen vs 'Netizen'

Gretchen Barreto faced another battle, this time against a 'netizen' bashing her and her younger sister Marjorie in a social networking site Instagram.

Last Monday, Gretchen posted a photo of her and her long-time partner, businessman Tony Boy Cojuangco with a caption,"My tony, aww he loves me.” An Instagram user named "marjoriekabit" then posted several comments about the photo which triggered Gretchen to reply.

Below are some of their exchanges:

@marjoriekabit: Gosh nakakahiya na kayo. Bkt hnd magwork si marj to support her children

@marjoriekabit: Get a life

@gretchenbarretto: @marjoriekabit does it seem like it matters to me. it does seem like you are so envious that you need to make an account to bash us. pity you, you keep stalking us.

@gretchenbarretto: @marjoriekabit it is pure joy to know you are so consumed by our lives keep it going keep stalking we know who you are. Hope you take some time to rest & take good care of your 2 kids & most of all hope you find time to get the mental help you need. Medical city or perhaps rehab. Peace be with you.

@gretchenbarretto: @marjoriekabit why don't you meet with atty. topacio?

@marjoriekabit: I will never get envious with your life. I'm contented with my life. I don't wanna be a mistress just to have a luxurious life

@marjoriekabit: You and marj are so pathetic.

@marjoriekabit: Sending Claudia in bsm is a surprise because I know marj doesn't have enough money for the tuition there knowing that she doesn't have stable job. Unless she has a new sugar daddy. If you know what I mean

@gretchenbarretto: @marjoriekabit you are contented with your life? Is this why you are stalking & bashing us? you must be high again. you don't have a luxurious life because you pushed & fought everyone in abs Cbn. Why is it your business where Claudia goes to school unless you are dying in envy. You are playing holy when everyone knows all your politician boyfriends left you the minute they found out about your drug use & mental problem.

@gretchenbarretto: @marjoriekabit you don't want to be a mistress? The question is ... Does anyone at all want to be with you? Your husband has filed for annulment already my dear. Wake up. With that kind of attitude you will have no one.

Gretchen and the Instagram user were talking about Claudia, the youngest daughter of Marjorie, who is now studying at the British School Manila. It is also the same school which Gretchen’s daughter, Dominique, attended.

Putting an end to their conversation, Gretchen said “marjoriekabit” should not put words into her daughter’s mouth and that she does not need the money of the Cojuangcos because she has her own career.

While Gretchen said that she knew who's behind the "marjoriekabit" account, she refused to identify the name of the person. Several of Gretchen’s followers, however, suspect that the one behind the anonymous account is Claudine, since the socialite-actress’ comments pertain to facts associated with her youngest sister.

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